Welcome to the SailPoint Developer Community!
The SailPoint Developer Community provides a place for developers of all levels to learn, find answers to their questions, build solutions, share their knowledge, and discover new ideas and solutions. The developer community also provides essential tools and resources you can use to improve your development experience on SailPoint platforms. You can find these tools and resources right here, on developer.sailpoint.com.
Read this onboarding guide to learn how get started with the SailPoint Developer Community.
The Community Forum
The SailPoint Developer Community Forum is one of the most valuable resources the community provides. The forum is the place where the community gathers to answer questions, solve problems, share knowledge, and propose new ideas and solutions. The forum is the best place to go when you have a question you can’t answer with the documentation - you can get your answer from the experts in the community.
Get Started with the Forum
Join the community and read this guide to learn how to get started with the forum:
If you just want the shorthand on our forum guide, we recommend you at least read one small portion—learning how our information is organized in our forum, so you can get the most out of it:
Technical Resources
The SailPoint Developer Community offers extensive technical resources at developer.sailpoint.com that you can use to improve your development experience.
Read this section to learn what technical resources are available, where to find them, and when to use them.
API Specs
SailPoint’s APIs (application programming interfaces) are sets of definitions and protocols that enable external applications to interact with the SailPoint platform. Developers can use the APIs to build extensions and integrations that take advantage of SailPoint’s platform’s functionality.
To use the APIs, you need to know their specifications. You can find detailed API specifications, along with examples and code snippets, at developer.sailpoint.com.
API specifications are available for these API versions:
Navigate the API Specs
You can find the API endpoints listed on the left panel. For each endpoint, you can find the following information listed:
- The endpoint’s description, including the authorization necessary to use it
- The endpoint’s request parameters and body attributes, including descriptions and examples
- The endpoint’s response schema, including descriptions and examples
- An example response JSON using the endpoint’s response schema
- An example request with a code snippet (in different languages) you can use to get started
Get Started with the APIs
Read this guide to get started with the APIs:
Developer Docs
The developer documentation provides information and guides for SailPoint’s various platform extensibility features. The developer documentation will be useful when you’re using these features. You can find the different platform extensibility features here:
SailPoint’s transforms are configurable objects that define easy ways to manipulate attribute data without requiring users to write code. The transforms take input data from one system and transform the data into output data that another system can use.
You can find all information about transforms in the Developer Docs:
Read this guide to learn how to write your first transform:
Developers can use rules, either cloud executed or connector executed, as flexible configuration frameworks when they’re implementing SailPoint solutions. Developers can leverage rules to perform complex configurations.
Developers must test their new rules before submitting them for SailPoint review. They can implement the rules once the rules have been approved.
You can all information about rules in the Developer Docs:
Read this guide to learn how to write your first rule:
Event Triggers
Event triggers (webhooks) trigger as the result of an event that occurs in IdentityNow, such as a new identity being created or a certification campaign is completed. They allow you to trigger actions to occur in other systems as soon as the event occurs in IdentityNow.
You can find all information about event triggers in the Developer Docs:
Refer to these lists for information about the different triggers, along with examples.
This is the list of early access event triggers:
SaaS Connectivity
SaaS Connectivity is a cloud based connector runtime that makes developing and deploying web service connectors easier. However, because the cloud hosts SaaS Connectivity, not a virtual appliance (VA), SaaS Connectivity can only connect to certain applications.
You can find all information about SaaS Connectivity in the Developer Docs:
Watch this video from the September 2023 Live Stream for a walkthrough of building and deploying a SaaS connector:
Refer to this list of videos for more walkthroughs and insights:
The Developer Relations Team has developed some useful tools you can use to improve your development experience with SailPoint platforms.
The SailPoint CLI (command line interface) is a terminal-based tool you can use to interact with your IdentityNow tenant. The CLI provides a text-based environment you can use to run operations known as “commands” to interact with your tenant however you want. You can use the CLI to perform many functions you would have otherwise used Postman or custom scripts to run.
You can find all information about the SailPoint CLI, along with a guide to getting started, in the Tools section on developer.sailpoint.com:
The SailPoint SDKs (software development kits) make it easier for developers to access SailPoint’s APIs and other extensibility features when they’re building their integrations.
You can find all information for each SDK, along with a guide to getting started, in the Tools section on developer.sailpoint.com:
Enablement Resources
In addition to technical resources, the SailPoint Developer Community provides other resources can greatly improve your experience as a developer on the SailPoint platforms.
The SailPoint Developer Community blog site features guides and tutorials written by your peers, as well as the Developer Relations Team. Experts are encouraged and even incentivized to write blogs on whatever topics they choose, and these topics provide in-depth information as well as useful solutions.
Read the blogs at the SailPoint Developer Community blog site:
Read this guide to learn how to write a blog for the SailPoint Developer Community:
The CoLab is a space where customers, partners, and SailPoint employees can share integrations they have built, as well as guides on how to start using them. Any integration shared in the CoLab includes documentation and a guide to getting started.
Check out this section of the forum to see what is available in the CoLab:
Read this post to find information about the CoLab:
Community Programs
The SailPoint Developer Community runs programs to encourage community members’ participation, reward them, and make communication between community members as easy and possible.
Ambassador Program
A key way that the SailPoint Developer Community enables its community members to help support each other and answer each other’s questions through its Ambassador Program. The Ambassador Program encourages users with some expertise to read the forum, answer questions, write blogs, and help the community in other ways, and SailPoint recognizes those experts as ambassadors and rewards them.
Read this guide to learn about the Ambassador Program and how to get started on becoming one!
Monthly Developer Live Streams
The Developer Relations Team runs monthly live streams! The team uses these live streams to provide education and walkthroughs to the community, as well as answer community questions.
You can find the calendar with the monthly live stream schedule, along with the recorded videos for each live stream, in the forum’s Event section:
Contribution and Participation
The SailPoint Developer Community’s most valuable resource is its community members. Community members ask questions that help others, they answer questions, and they go out of their way to share their own knowledge and solutions. The questions they ask and the knowledge community members find valuable help to improve the developer community’s documentation, and inspire the types of tools and resources the developer community provides.
You can provide tremendous value to the community by simply participating in the forum, reading and answering questions where you can. Furthermore, you can even create a PR (pull request) to directly contribute to the developer community’s documentation or the code running behind its various resources.
Read the participation guidelines here:
Solve Forum Questions
One of the most valuable thing a community member can do is reply to other’s forum posts with potential solutions. Solving forum questions will earn you points as an ambassador!
Read this guide to learn more about the process of replying to and solving forum topics:
Contribute to Code and Documentation
Aside from the API specs, all the code and documentation for the SailPoint Developer Community’s various resources is open source on GitHub. Community members create PRs (pull requests) to directly make improvements to the documentation and code. Using PRs to making improvements will also earn you points as an ambassador!
You can find all the SailPoint Developer Community’s open source GitHub repos (repositories) in the the sailpoint-oss organization:
This is the repo for the developer.sailpoint.com:
Read this guide to learn the process for creating PRs to contribute to the community:
Get Started
This list of references and guides is just a starting point! There are many more possibilities on the SailPoint Developer Community and the SailPoint Developer Community Forum for you to explore!