Unable to create identity profile


Please, i’m new in ISC and i’m doing the exercices. I’m unable to create an identity profile and that the message.I don’t have task in background
L’erreur qui s’affiche est: Le système ne peut pas “Create Identity Profile” pendant que les tâches d’identité son en cours"

Thank in advance

Hello and Welcome!!!

Can you please provide screen prints of you Identity Profile configuration?
And list out what you want to achieve with your identity profile?

Hi @shadow0224 - it is due to some aggregation task pending but it will not show that on UI. If you can go ahead and follow the below steps, certainly you will be able to resolve this issue without sailpoint intervention.

  1. Use this api endpoint to get the pending job in the tenant that has been lost somewhere.
    This will give you the job that did not get completed.
    Now look for “Cloud Account Aggregation” and copy the ID so that you can mark it complete.
    If you see a lot of jobs being returned search for the “aggregation” and complete that request first.
  2. Once you have that job copy the jobId, and use the below API to update the job status to completed.

Use Body:

“op”: “replace”,
“path”: “/completed”,
“op”: “replace”,
“path”: “/completionStatus”,
“value”: “Success”

NOTE: Make sure that you get current time for completion date.

Once this is done, you should be able to create a new identity profile.

Hope this Helps…

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Please check the below URL, this has already been raised and marked as solution:


Facing this same issue. But aint able to resolve it. Following the same steps. Question is should i give the ID of the parent task or the id of child one?

Hi @ggregory199, i am not sure if i understand it correctly by parent/child id,
But, i am assuming that it has to do something with the Patch Request.

Once you get the Body from GET request, Copy the ID
See the below image for which id to be copied.

Hope this answers your question…


Thanks for your all the review

I want to create a identity profile to continue the training 1 of sailpoint ISC course.

I’m not able to open the URL of the API. I tried to replace the tenant-sb in with the tenant’s ID and i’m not getting a content. May be i’m not typing the right URL

As i’m on the demo tenant, my url is SailPoint (identitynow-demo.com).
How can i customise the API Endpoint in other to open the one that suit with the demo url.

Thanks in advance for all your review

yes this solves my query

This is endpoint i use.
tenenat.api.identitynow.com in you case it will become

Hi @shadow0224
as George mentioned the URL will be: tenant.api.identitynow-demo.com But if you are not getting any response make sure that the full endpoint looks something like this:

Where, tenant is you tenant ID, and domain will be identitynow-demo for you.

In case if it shows 200 OK and no content [] then probably there are not tasks pending on your system.

Hope this helps…

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Ok, i’m not having a blank page, but it’s display an error : JWT is required as shown as the attached image
error ISC 6

So this call you have to make from Postman, and provide the JWT token as the authentication header and it should be as: Bearer <access_token>

In order to get the JWT token from web, you can use this URL:

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and witout the /beta on the url: I got: No message available

error ISC 7

Yes thanks i have the JWT token which i think, is already integrated in ISC. But how can i add it in other ton continue to resolve the main problem

Hi @shadow0224 ,

As mentioned you should install Postman to execute these requests and not the browser directly.

Download Link: https://www.postman.com/

As seen in the image you will replace the values I have shown with your values to execute the request and retrieve the relevant information.

I hope this helps.

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Okay letme break it down to steps.

  1. Naviagate to this URL: https://tenant.identitynow.com/ui/session
  2. Copy the access token value.
  3. Now goto your postman and create a new request.
  4. Enter the Request as GET and URL as: https://tenant.api.domain.com/beta/task-status/pending-tasks
  5. Now click on Authorization and under drop down menu, select Bearer
  6. Now on the right hand side, paste the Accecss token you copied.
  7. Click on send and you should get the response.

See below image for more information.

From here you can get the access_token
Next update in API call to get the response.

Letme know if there still exists any issue.


Thanks everyone. Il have a display as shown in this image.

Please, do you know how i can terminate the task?

You need to use the PATCH http method task to update the status of the task



Update the “Completion Status” to completed.


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No you cannot terminate the task but you can mark it as completed, which will eventually mean that it will go away from tenants pending task which is not allowing you to create identity profile.

Follow this post on how you can complete the task.

Letme know if you need anymore assistance.

I cannot find Cloud Account Aggregation nor aggregation in the pending tasks. I can see cloud aggregation in the currents tasks.

I tried to test if i can termintate the tasks with the display ID in the pending tasks using the body,