Error when adding access profile to the application

I have created an application and attaching an access profile to this. While doing this I get the below error

(slpt-1211) your updates cannot be saved while a related task is running. please try again later.

I have ready the KB document provided by SailPoint and can see that it can be due to a Job which is running in backgroup or in Queue. I checked in the Monitor Tab and dont see any active jobs.

This is happening only in Prod environment. I tested this and don’t see this in the lower environment

Hi Rajesh,

Even I have seen this in our Production environment. But after waiting for 15 minutes we were able to save the Application.

Can you try again and see if you are still facing the issue ?

Hi All,

I was able to resolve this issue, it was due to a pendingtasks which was causing it. You can see the pending tasks which is stuck by executing the below api call. Once I removed the tasks which were stuck for a longer duration the issue got resolved

GET https://{org}
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Hey Rajesh,
How did you remove the tasks?

Hi @Anjelica

I have added the step by step process to remove the task. Please refer the below link

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