Cannot create new identity profile

Hello team,

Did anyone encountered this error before?

    "detailCode": "400.2 Invalid request in current state",
    "trackingId": "953c82fba93949faaa531c66696e2c11",
    "messages": [
            "locale": "en-US",
            "localeOrigin": "DEFAULT",
            "text": "The system cannot \"Create Identity Profile\" while Identity Tasks are in progress."
            "locale": "und",
            "localeOrigin": "REQUEST",
            "text": "The system cannot \"Create Identity Profile\" while Identity Tasks are in progress."
    "causes": []

I am trying to create a new Identity Profile and I keep getting this error. I have cleaned up all the pending work items in the system and also confirmed that there are no tasks running. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi @rallabhandiaparna,

Usually this is caused by pending account aggregation(s).

Can you double check there aren’t any running? Try this API to help you with finding it: Get Pending Tasks

Yes, agree with @kyle1. It generally happens when there is some refresh tasks in the queue for example authoritative account aggregation happens and that is updating the identity data and triggering the attribute sync etc. At that time, ISC does not allow to apply changes on identity profile. So please try it once these pending tasks are cleared from the queue and then it should work.

Thank You.

I verified the aggregation tasks and every other task I could think of. No luck :slightly_frowning_face:

There are pending tasks, but nothing in “pending” state if it makes sense.

Hi @rallabhandiaparna

Can you please check the pending tasks in the queue. You can see them by going to admin view and then click on dashboard then monitor tab to see the active tasks.

If anything is there in the queues then it will not allow as per the screenshot i shared.

Thank You.

Hello Vikas,

There is nothing in the queue. No aggregation tasks running. I am flummoxed!


Hi @rallabhandiaparna

I can understand. Can you please check if there is any aggregation running ?

If not, then i would suggest to check with SailPoint support as they can check in back-end if there is any stuck process and kill it.

Thank You.

Hello all,

Thank you for your assistance. I logged a ticket with SailPoint support and they helped in clearing the pending tasks. I was able to create the Identity Profile after that.

Thanks again.


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Hi @rallabhandiaparna faced same issue some time back, it is due to some aggregation task pending but it will not show that on UI. If you can go ahead and follow the below steps, certainly you will be able to resolve this issue without sailpoint intervention.

  1. Use this api endpoint to get the pending job in the tenant that has been lost somewhere.
    This will give you the job that did not get completed.
    Now look for “Cloud Account Aggregation” and copy the ID so that you can mark it complete.
    If you see a lot of jobs being returned search for the “aggregation” and complete that request first.

  2. Once you have that job copy the jobId, and use the below API to update the job status to completed.

Use Body:

“op”: “replace”,
“path”: “/completed”,
“op”: “replace”,
“path”: “/completionStatus”,
“value”: “Success”

NOTE: Make sure that you get current time for completion date.

Once this is done, you should be able to create a new identity profile.

Hope this Helps…


Ok, i’m facing the same issue now. I will try to update the body of the new request

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