IQService Hardware Requirements

Hello Guys,

Recently I start to question if it’s really necessary to have machines from this size for a minimum requirement for IQService:

The minimum requerement it’s almost as high as the VAs requirements, in this old IQService specification link we can see that the recommended was 500MB of RAM.

How do you guys measure the recommended settings for de IQService? It’s possible that Sailpoint will not support any problem related to IQService if we do not use the minimum settings?

Best Regards

How big is your org? How many transactions will you be putting through the machine? What’s your HA DR plan for IQService?

Is it really worth skimping on the hardware for something generally very critical?

Hi @adunker,

Usually it depends on our costumer size, but I’m thinking here in some small to mid-size company, for the DR we usually have two IQSerivces and a Failover in the middle.


Hi Felipe,

It’s possible that Sailpoint will not support any problem related to IQService if we do not use the minimum settings?

SailPoint wouldn’t refuse to support you in this case.

If you faced issues, it is likely that one of SailPoint’s first suggestions would be to increase the resources.

If overresourcing is an issue, have you considered reducing the resources in the development environment and running some stress tests to monitor system performance?

Best Wishes


Appreciate the answers,

I think this is the best solution it’s as @Mccarney said, try to measure the usage by making a stress test.


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