When looking at the email templates for Certifications in Sandbox, Ambassador and Production tenants, I am seeing two email templates that appear to be the same:
When looking at the documentation, I only see the “Certification Due” listed
When looking at the “Certification Due Reminder” email template, I am guessing that this may be for a forth-coming Certification Improvement Release, and not intended to be available yet, based on the prefix for the email templates:
As highlighted, this email notification is getting sent to the OWNER of the certification campaign regarding its due date along with name of the campaign.
Email Notification Template Name : Certification Due Reminder
This email notification is a REMINDER notification which is getting sent to actual reviewers of the campaign such as a manager, individual identity, etc.
I think these are 2 separate notifications with almost same content but the recipients would be different. The owner of the campaign could be an ISC administrator and recipient would actually be reviewer.
@Dharani I noted above that I already reviewed the documentation site, and that I only saw the “Certification Due” there, but the other one is not listed/documented.
Thank you for catching that subtle difference in the templates. I think your assessment of the usage is correct for that.
So I think the primary issue is that the documentation is lacking for the second one, and there is not an easy way to distinguish between the two templates in the UI when looking at them:
I am going to consider this topic resolved, as I agree with @rohit_wekhande on this. I will open up another case to get the documentation updated, and an Idea to have the email templates differentiated better.
Currently, I see that both the templates are addressed to ownerName.
It’s confusing exactly when these campaigns will be triggered and to whom. Or are these just duplicate templates?
We determined in the 2 posts before yours that the “Certification Due Reminder” is sent to the Certifiers (Managers in a Manager Certification) to remind them that they have a Certification to complete and sign off on. The “Certification Due” Email Template is used to remind the Certification Owner that the certification as a whole is still open, and needs to be completed. You can see the difference in who the template is address to. These are not both addressed to ownerName.
I feel now these templates are incorrectly updated in the documentation. Both the templates in the documentation are addressed to $ownerName.
And both the description says the mails are send to reviewers. For me this seems to be bit confusing and had to raise this topic again.
@anujoseIC You can report that by clicking at the bottom on the Certification under the “Documentation Feedback” heading. Click “Start Discussion” and enter the details. You can link it back to this post if you want, and can use the screenshot I added above. If you would prefer I submit it, just let me know. Good catch.
After further inquiries, engineering has confirmed that the Certification Due Reminder template is a new email template that is not ready for release yet. It has been removed from the UI and the documentation.
It should go to GA later and will be documented at that time.