(Powershell) More Certification Reminders and Reporting

I created a solution to improve the cadence of email reminders to users with pending certifications.

Natively, SailPoint will send an email only 3 times:
When a certification is kicked off.
When a certification has not been completed (Reminder)
When a certification is Reassigned.

This script will automatically send email reminders to certification reviewers based on time elapsed between creation and signoff.

  1. Pulls a list of all ACTIVE certifications
  2. Creates a reminder .JSON file to count how many emails are sent to each $certification.reviewer
  3. Default reminder logic:
    up to 7 reminders TOTAL including manager escalations can be sent before it stops trying.
    Will count up starting on day 2 since certification start date and keep counting until 7 emails sent OR due date has been passed.
    Once due date has been passed it will automatically escalate to the reviewer’s manager for a nudge.

Includes separate customizable HTML email bodies for the “reminder” and the “manager escalation”.

Also includes a report of all active reminders, how many reminders have been sent, and which ones have been escalated and when.

I am interested to hear what the community thinks, and constructive feedback is always VERY welcome.

Sailpoint-Anchors/Set-CertReminders.ps1 at main · jascanio-chwy/Sailpoint-Anchors (github.com)


Welcome to the developer community!

I think you may have forgotten to include the script file. Can you please upload it?

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Hello @JessAscanio1

Your work looks impressive, great effort.

I haven’t tested your code yet but the use case is really much needed. Would love to reference your code for our future implementations.

You should check this post, it’s relevant to your work.
In Discovery: Certifications- Automated Escalations - Announcements / Product Updates - SailPoint Developer Community Forum


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