I created a solution to improve the cadence of email reminders to users with pending certifications.
Natively, SailPoint will send an email only 3 times:
When a certification is kicked off.
When a certification has not been completed (Reminder)
When a certification is Reassigned.
This script will automatically send email reminders to certification reviewers based on time elapsed between creation and signoff.
- Pulls a list of all ACTIVE certifications
- Creates a reminder .JSON file to count how many emails are sent to each $certification.reviewer
- Default reminder logic:
up to 7 reminders TOTAL including manager escalations can be sent before it stops trying.
Will count up starting on day 2 since certification start date and keep counting until 7 emails sent OR due date has been passed.
Once due date has been passed it will automatically escalate to the reviewer’s manager for a nudge.
Includes separate customizable HTML email bodies for the “reminder” and the “manager escalation”.
Also includes a report of all active reminders, how many reminders have been sent, and which ones have been escalated and when.
I am interested to hear what the community thinks, and constructive feedback is always VERY welcome.
Sailpoint-Anchors/Set-CertReminders.ps1 at main · jascanio-chwy/Sailpoint-Anchors (github.com)