Certification Email Templates: Difference between “Certification” and “Certification Campaign Activated”

This question came about from Anu Jose in a previous Email Template discussion found here: Certification Email Templates: Difference between "Certification Due" and "Certification Due Reminder"?

There are 2 email templates, “Certification” and “Certification Campaign Activated” that appear to do the same thing, even though the documentation is slightly different. The documentation states that the “Certification” email is sent when the campaign is created, while the “Certification Campaign Activated” description states it is sent when the Campaign is started. There is also the difference of reviewers and certifiers in the description, which are the same, as I understand it.

Looking at my dev tenant, I see both of these templates available.

They are configured with the exact same wording:

During my testing, I ran 2 test:

  1. Preview and Activate a campaign from a campaign template
  2. Create, Preview and Activate a campaign from the Admin → Certifications → Campaigns Menu

For both tests, I only ever received the “Certification” email, and that email was only sent when the Campaign was activated, and it was sent to the Certifiers/Reviewers. I was never sent the “Certification Campaign Activated” email. No emails were sent to the certifiers when the campaign was created (Which I would expect, and is the desired state I would imagine.)
NOTE: I changed the text in the “Certification” email for testing this to differentiate them.

So the questions from this are:

  1. When is the “Certification Campaign Activated” email sent to user?
  2. Who are the intended recipients of both emails.
  3. Why are they configured with the exact same text?

I did the same. I edited the templates so that I would know which emails were sent. Then I created multiple different types of certification campaigns from both the certification tab (filter based) and search. In every case I got the “Certification” email.

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Hi @gmilunich,

Based on the documentation,

  • Certification Campaign Activated Email template should be received by the users who are not invited to tenant and they are yet to register before taking any action on review item. Based on the below documentation attributes i was able to assume this would be the scenario to trigger this email. Because, if we observe, there is a registrationUrl which is an available attribute for this template.

But unfortunately for the existing users and new users who are not invited are receiving the same “Certification Email Template”. I think it might be a bug because based on the available attributes in the email template “Certification Campaign Activated” template should go to new users!

Please let me know if this make sense.

Thanks for confirming what I was seeing with this.

While I follow your logic, I would not make the same assumption based on the variable being available to use within the template. The title of the Email Template, remaining documentation, and current text of the email make no reference to unregistered/invited users. I would expect at least one place to make reference to those. By stating your assumption as fact, it could cause someone to pass along incorrect information if the assumption is wrong.

A couple better options for your response could be:

  • Put it in the form of a question for others to confirm. “Could this be for users who are note invited due to the ‘registrationURL’ variable being present on the email template?”
  • Test your theory out in your own tenant first, and then provide the results. "I thought it might be based on the ‘registrationURL’ variable being present on the email template. I tried this in my tenant and found it was/was not for users who had not registered for the system. "

I do appreciate the response, as I did not notice that variable was available on this email, so that does add another question to the list for what it’s intended purpose is.


Hi @gmilunich, did you get any information from SailPoint?
I’ve opened a post under Bugs ( ISC: "Certification" vs "Certification Campaign Activated" email templates ) as this topic will get closed 2 months after the last reply.

@adamian I have not received a reply on this. Have you run into the same issue?

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I did also post about this in the Email Template Documentation discussion, and got an answer, but it wasn’t conclusive and did not match what I saw. I have asked for clarification: Available Email Templates - SailPoint Identity Services - #21 by SarahKhan

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