Available Email Templates - SailPoint Identity Services

SailPoint provides default email templates for each notification which you can customize for your business needs.

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at https://documentation.sailpoint.com/saas/help/common/emails/available_templates.html

Any updates on this - it still seems to not be updated in the documentation.

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Hello @adunker
I have reached out to Engineering about this and this template will be removed from the UI. It seems as if the doc was removed well before Engineering pulled the trigger to remove it from the Available Templates list.
I am hoping Engineering will remove it shortly.

Thank you so much for your patience!

This list is missing documentation for the “Certification Due Reminder” Email Template.

Additional details can be found here: Certification Email Templates: Difference between "Certification Due" and "Certification Due Reminder"?

There are 2 email templates, “Certification” and “Certification Campaign Activated” that appear to do the same thing, even though the documentation is slightly different. The documentation states that the “Certification” email is sent when the campaign is created, while the “Certification Campaign Activated” description states it is sent when the Campaign is started. There is also the difference of reviewers and certifiers in the description, which are the same, as I understand it.

Could consistent wording be used for reviewer/certifier in the descriptions of the email templates?

Can someone verify that the descriptions are correct for those, as there are 0 emails sent to certifiers/reviewers when the campaign is created.

Additional discussion on this topic is here: Certification Email Templates: Difference between “Certification” and “Certification Campaign Activated”

Clicking on Any email template takes you to the page for the template, but removes the Navigation side bar. This does not allow you to go back. When linking to an email template, it also doesn’t allow the user to view more documents/templates without going back to the beginning using the top nav bar.

Hi @gmilunich I’ve created SAASDOCS-8385 to review this email template for repetition. Thank you for the link to the other discussion. We’ll take that into consideration as we clarify this.

I’ve also created SAASDOCS-8386 to add links on the email template pages to the Available Email Templates page. The templates are not in our nav, which is why they lack that left sidebar, but we’ll add some links to make it easier to get back to the main email documentation.

Hey Geoff, the purpose of the two is to distinguish between a certification that was just created vs one that was started and a certifier forgot to sign-off and complete the certification.

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Thanks. A link that was “Back to Available Email Templats” would help greatly.

Which ones are you referencing here?
“Certification Due” and “Certification Due Reminder”
“Certification” and “Certification Campaign Activated”

@gmilunich I’ve updated our email template pages to include a new icon that opens the Available Email Templates page.

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Looks great! Took me a second to locate it, but now it makes sense.

I also thought the Leave Feedback icon wasn’t working, but realized that it takes you to the “Documentation Feedback” section at the bottom, and the template I was looking at was short enough that the whole page was visible so it looked like it wasn’t doing anything. I like that feature too.

@gmilunich I’m so glad it’s helpful!

We contemplated not putting the feedback option on very short pages because of that behavior, but we decided it was a worthwhile tradeoff to keep an opportunity to get feedback on our shorter pages. And we’ve gotten a lot of feedback! :smiley:

@SarahKhan Thank you so much for a quick response! Could you please expand on which ones you were referring to for Geoff?

Yes! I am referring to “Certification” and “Certification Campaign Activated”

@sara_khan If that is the case, that does not match what the Email Templates currently have for text. They currently have roughly the same text, which relates to the email sent to the Certifiers when the campaign is activated.

I do see the text of the “Certification” has changed to include several options for Date Format since I created this post.

@rachel_rigdon or @stacy_stough It would be beneficial for the documentation if the email templates could have more more information. What I would like to see is:

  • Trigger - What triggers this email and when
  • How often - How often is this email triggered? (Reminders currently are every 7 days for Certification)
  • Formatted Email Body - The text with the formatting is provided, but an example with default data would be helpful as well. There is the “Test Email Template” function on the page, but does not allow for default data to be provided for the velocity variables, so an example here with those added would be good to show clients/management/end users.

Thank you for your feedback, Geoff! We’ve created SAASDOCS-8533 to investigate adding this information to each email template.

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I don’t find the template “Access Request for Self” documented. Why is that?

What about “Scheduled Campaign Template Pre-Generation Notification”?

And “Certifications Reassignment”

It would be nice if the list of templates would actually be sorted alphabetically, not almost sorted.

Hello Andrei :slight_smile:
Access Request for Self should not be in production. Engineering was supposed to remove this. I will see if we can get this removed ASAP.
As for Scheduled Campaign and Cert Reassignment, are you saying they do not show up in prod environments? Because they are documented.
If they are not showing up in prod, then I will also ask Engineering about those.

Hi @stacy_stough,

As for Scheduled Campaign and Cert Reassignment, are you saying they do not show up in prod environments? Because they are documented.

Where is the “Scheduled Campaign” documented?

I can only see a documentation for

but not for

Cert Reassignment

I found a documentation for the first one ( Certification Reassignment Email Template - SailPoint Identity Services ), but not for the second one:

Hey @adamian I want to confirm something real quick after speaking with Engineering about these.
Are you seeing these in your production environment? I assume yes, but wanted to confirm.
Thanks so much!
Sorry for this headache.