Source » Flat file (Delimited File) import: , vs ;

Dear SailPoint IDN Team,

When I download the CSV for a “Source Type: Delimited File, Connection Type: Flat File” under Sources » Source » Accounts, I get a zip with .csv file that looks like this:


Let us call this file accounts.csv.

When I download the Accounts File Template (.csv) under Sources » Source » Import Accounts, I get a different formatted file:


Let us call this file header.csv.

Some issues that could be improved:

  • The CSV files (accounts.csv and header.csv) use different kind of separators, but IDN can not handle both of them.
  • I can not import the just downloaded accounts.csv into the system, without first replacing commas (,) with semicolons (;). I see this as a bug.
  • The error when importing an invalid CSV file is too generic. The system should make a couple of basic checks and report what the issue could be (even if at first the error is technical and it is not translated): e.g. expected separator “;” but none found, Found N header columns but M expected, etc.

Best regards,

This how-to should not be needed…

Hey Andrei,
I have not come across this issue specifically and recently I have worked with a lot of delimted sources for catering to access review features within IDN.

If its possible can you share the data that you’re observing this issue on (please remove the confidential client specific information). I would like to replicate this issue.


Hi Aman,

The data is not important.
Create a CSV source with the delimiter set to ;, that should do it.

Best regards,