We have created a Delimited Source and are trying to import the accounts on the source.
Schema was configured with following values
UID (marked as Account ID and Account Name),FirstName,LastName,Access.
However while importing the csv file with account and entitlement details below error occurs.
“sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Index value for [id] on new object was null.”. Could you please help us with this?
This was working as expected earlier, We observed that Delimited File Source Connectory configurations are updated. We followed all the instructions as per Delimited File Source Connector Configuration.
We are also facing issue with Entitlement import. When ever we import entitlments using Import entitlments it always shows as Group type, due to which we are not able to configure Access Profile.
I did some more testing and here is what I found works.
The account aggregation is looking for a field called id. Since your Account ID and Account Name are tied to UID, the aggregation is failing because it can’t find id. If you change your UID to id, this will work.
I’m not sure if this is a bug or intended. I’m going to ask around internally to see what the expected behavior is. It seems like you should be able to use any name for the Account ID rather than being locked into using id.
@Ajit_Pawar, your suggestion to manually update the indexColumn on the source worked. However, it should work automatically with IDN. Please let us know what you find when you investigate.
@sindhu_v_murthy , if you want to continue using UID, you can use the API to manually assign UID as the indexColumn. Start by getting the ID of your source by invoking the GET sources endpoint and finding your source ID in the list. Then, you can use the PATCH source endpoint with the following body to update your indexColumn. Be sure to set the Content-Type header to application/json-patch+json.
The underlying issue should now be fixed. You should no longer have to manually assign the UID as the indexColumn via the API, it should automatically work in the UI.