[Errors] Create Account - Delimited File

We already have a functional integration (since the beginning of Identitynow), however we have two delimited connectors (they were not created recently), and both are giving the same account creation/adding rights error:

Conector: XXXXXXXX
Operation: Create Account Failed / Add Entitlement Failed
[“sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Null Object XML returned from cloud for type [Application] with identifier[XXXXX - EMPP]”]

Conector: XXXXXXXXX ( Older name: XXXXXX XXXXXXX )
Operation: Create Account Failed /Add Entitlement Failed
[“sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Null Object XML returned from cloud for type [Application] with identifier[XXXXXX]”]

Please, we need to understand what may be happening when creating an account.
For other people who already have access to this application, adding or removing rights is working normally.

Was it working before?

Probably it`s a issue Sailpoint side, i suggest open a ticket on Support SailPoint. I have the same error before and the problem has mysterious resolved.

We have seen it , as suggest by @originalmths , please open a support ticket .
also found similar post here: Fail to create a Service Now ticket based upon a secondary action

Hello Mateus, it used to work normally before.

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