Delimited Source - Number of Lines to Skip not working?

Good morning folks. I’m seeing a weird issue with a delimited file source. With how the csv file comes in - the headers actually don’t start until row 4.

I’ve set the option Number of Lines to skip to 4 - but then it errors out at me saying that it wants the headers of row 1?

Anyone know if this is intended behavior? I’ve added row 1 to the schema and ignores the rest of the headers in 4 even though I have them in the schema.

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For a delimited file source, the first line of the file must be column headers.

The Number of Lines to Skip is the lines to skip in data. For example, when the value is set to 1, the connector skips the 1st line of data from the input file along with the header line.


Thank you! I didn’t realize that it was so limited :exploding_head:

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@colin_mckibben I’m curious as to why the engineering team decided to implement this behavior instead of the implementation used by IIQ where numberOfLinesToSkip is used to specify the number of lines to skip from the top of the data file and not below the header. What is a valid use case for skipping data below the header? Typically account feed files downloaded natively from business applications will have metadata as the first rows in the file containing things like the date the file was created, the user who created it, etc.

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