Request Response Trigger Workflow

:spiral_notepad: Description Workflow template for implementing request response type triggers
:balance_scale: Legal Agreement By using this CoLab item, you are agreeing to SailPoint’s Terms of Service for our developer community and open-source CoLab.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:open_book: New to Workflows in the CoLab? Read the getting started guide for Workflows in the CoLab.
:hospital: Supported by Community Developed


At the time of this writing, SailPoint Workflows does not have native support for our request response type triggers, such as the Access Request Preapproval trigger . However, there is a way to implement request response triggers using the current capabilities of Workflows. The provided templates will allow you to utilize request response type triggers in your Workflow environment.

This repository contains two templates, and their configuration and usage is explained below in the guide.


You must have an IdentityNow tenant with the Workflows feature enabled.


To learn how to download and install workflow files, please read this guide.

To learn more about these workflow templates and how to configure and use them, please read this blog post.