Is it possible to trigger Sailpoint IDN workflows from Event triggers?
Example: We are looking to call a Sailpoint IDN workflow through the “Access Request Pre-Approval Event Subscription”
This is enable the customization to be done in IDN workflows instead of relying on a third-party system such as basic SOD checks, block access to terminated accounts, etc
Workflows doesn’t yet have direct support for our request response type triggers, which includes the Access Request Preapproval trigger. Workflows only supports fire and forget triggers. I have been thinking about ways to do this using the existing capabilities of workflows, and I believe this is possible today. It will, however, require some additional setup that is not trivial. Let me draft a show and tell describing how to do this, and i’ll report back here once I have it.
There is a way a workflow can call another workflow as mentioned by @chazeauc
May be we can leverage something similar to send back the response (Provided Event Trigger is ASYNC). I was not able to figure out how to call the workflow from the trigger directly.
It will be a great use case for many scenarios . Much appreciated.