At the time of this writing, SailPoint Workflows does not have native support for our request response type triggers, such as the Access Request Submitted trigger. However, there is a way to implement request response triggers using the current capabilities of Workflows. This guide will demonstrate how to configure a Workflow that can successfully receive events from the Access Request Submitted trigger as well as respond with the decision to approve or deny the request.
This process will require two workflows: a workflow that is triggered by an external trigger, and a workflow that periodically updates the access token needed by the trigger subscription.
Workflow files
Attached are the two workflow scripts used in this guide. You only need the first file if you are ok with not rotating the token. If you would prefer to rotate the token on a schedule, then you will need the second workflow file as well. Feel free to upload these into your tenant as a starting point to help you follow along with the rest of this guide.
AccessRequestPreapproval20230413 (1).json (1.2 KB)
UpdateAccessRequestPreapprovalAccessToken20230418 (2).json (2.3 KB)
Create a workflow with the external trigger
Start by creating a new workflow that is triggered by an external trigger. Click the “New Access Token” button to get the client credentials used to authenticate to the workflow. Be sure to copy the client secret somewhere safe. You won’t be able to retrieve the secret once you close the window. You should see the following screen once you have generated the credentials.
Create an access token
The trigger subscription will need an access token in order to invoke the workflow. We need to generate that access token now before we can create the subscription. The following example uses cURL to generate the token, but you can also configure your Postman to do the same. Just be sure to replace the tenant
, clientId
and clientSecret
with your specific values.
curl --request POST --location 'https://{tenant}'
This will produce an access_token
that expires in 68 years. The token itself is specifically limited and purpose built for triggering the workflow and that workflow alone. The token cannot be used for anything else. Therefore, it is low risk to have the timeout far into the future to prevent failed workflows. This allows admins to control token rotation on their schedule. This is important because once the token is rotated/regenerated, the former token is invalidated. Thus the admins control the rotation on their schedule and invalidate the tokens when a new one is generated avoiding failed workflow executions.
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0ZW5hbnRfaWQiOiIyZjlkOTZiMC03ZWIwLTRlNGUtYWE0MS03Nzk2YmU1ODQ2Y2YiLCJpbnRlcm5hbCI6ZmFsc2UsInBvZCI6InN0ZzAzLXVzZWFzdDEiLCJvcmciOiJkZXZyZWwiLCJhdXRob3JpdGllcyI6WyJBUEkiXSwiZW5hYmxlZCI6dHJ1ZSwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiODYyYWE5OGItZjM5Yi00OTBjLTk3YWYtNDlkMjNhZDE4MTAyIiwiYWNjZXNzVHlwZSI6Ik9GRkxJTkUiLCJzdHJvbmdfYXV0aF9zdXBwb3J0ZWQiOmZhbHNlLCJjbGFpbXNfcxxxxxx",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 2147483646,
"scope": "sp:workflow-execute:external sp:scopes:default",
"accessType": "OFFLINE",
"tenant_id": "2f9d96b0-7eb0-4e4e-aa41-xxxx",
"internal": false,
"pod": "stg03-useast1",
"strong_auth_supported": false,
"org": "devrel",
"claims_supported": false,
"enabled": true,
"jti": "hlwbv15swTeSYpFLXGpl6HXUNNY"
Create a trigger subscription
Next, we need to subscribe to the Access Request Submitted event trigger (AKA Access Request Submitted). Navigate to the Event Trigger tab in the IDN UI and subscribe to the trigger.
- Paste the “Client URL” you received when configuring the external trigger into the “Integration URL” of the subscription
- Select a “Response Type” of “Async”
- Set the “Response Deadline” to a value of your choice. For example, if you need an hour to respond, then set the deadline to
- Set “Authentication Type” to “Bearer Token”. Set the value to the
that you generated in the last step - Leave the filter empty
Configure the workflow to respond to the event
A request response type trigger requires the subscriber to respond to the event in order to perform some action in IdentityNow. You can read more about this process here:
Let’s revisit the workflow and add an “HTTP Request” action that will respond to the event with a decision to approve/deny the request. For testing purposes, we will just automatically approve, but your final workflow will have more logic in place to determine whether to approve or deny.
- Don’t select an “Authentication Type”. The event trigger will provide us a secret that we can pass in the body of the HTTP request.
- The “Request URL” will be provided in the event payload. Select “Choose Variable” and set it to the following JSONpath variable:
- Set the “Method” to “POST”
- Set the “Request Content Type” to “JSON”
- We will use inline variables to configure the “Request Body”. Leave it as “Enter Value” and paste the following into the “Request Body”:
"secret": "{{$.trigger._metadata.secret}}",
"output": {
"approved": true,
"comment": "This access has passed workflow approval.",
"approver": "Workflow"
Finish your workflow with an end step operator.
Test the workflow
To test this workflow, we will save it and go back to the main workflow dashboard. Enable both the workflow and the trigger subscription.
With both enabled, let’s submit an access request. In my tenant, I will go to Request Center and request a role on behalf of someone else. Something to note is that this role I am requesting has no additional approval process, so it will show as “Approved” once the workflow responds. If you are requesting an access item that does have additional approver steps, it will still be in a pending state.
Once you submit the request, navigate to the “My Requests” tab and monitor the progress of the request. Depending on the load of your system, this can take several seconds/minutes to complete. Please refresh your page until you see that the request has been approved. Once it is approved, we can click on it and see that our workflow did receive and respond to the event because it passed the “Access Request Preliminary Processing” and we have its unique comment.
Configuring another workflow to update the trigger subscription access token
Recall that the access token we generated for the external trigger lasts for 68 years. This means your trigger subscription will start failing after 68 years have passed. In practice, you should not have to refresh this token, thereby requiring you to update the trigger subscription’s bearer token. You can skip this section and continue to “Final Steps”. However, in the event that an update to external triggers allows you to set a shorter access token duration, or you wish to rotate your credentials on more frequent schedule, the following steps will show you how to configure a second workflow to automatically refresh the token and update the trigger subscription. Just a reminder, if you are comfortable with the 68 year token expiration, then these steps are not necessary. Only follow these steps if you want to implement a more frequent token refresh schedule.
Get the access token
Start by creating a new workflow. Name it “Update Access Request Submitted Access Token”. This workflow will use a scheduled trigger that will run weekly, just to be safe :).
Next, we will need two HTTP Request actions. The first action will generate a new access token for our external trigger workflow.
- Leave “Authentication Type” empty
- Set the “Request URL” to the following, replacing
with your tenant:https://{tenant}
- Add three query parameters
-{your client id}
-{your client secret}
- Set the “Method” to “POST”
- Leave the “Request Content Type” empty
CAUTION: Query parameters aren’t encrypted when downloading workflow scripts. Since we have to supply a client ID and client secret in the query params, exercise caution when downloading and sharing the workflow script
Update the trigger subscription with the access token
Now that we have the access token, we need to update the trigger subscription with this new access token. Add another “HTTP Request” action to your workflow.
- For the “Authentication Type”, set it to “OAuth 2.0”. We need to authenticate with our PAT to call the trigger subscription update API.
- Set the “Token URL” to
. Be sure to replace{tenant}
with your tenant. - Set the Client ID and Client Secret to the values provided by your personal access token. See this document for more information on creating a personal access token. Also, make sure you have the
scope. - Set the “Credentials Location” to “Header”
- Set the “Request URL” to
- You can get the
from the list subscriptions endpoint. You will need to find theid
of the subscription that has the same name as configured in the subscriptions UI.
- You can get the
- Set the “Method” to “PATCH”.
- Set the “Request Content Type” to “JSON Patch”
- Set the “Request Body” as shown below. This request body uses an inline variable to insert the new
in thebearerToken
"op": "replace",
"path": "/httpConfig/bearerTokenAuthConfig/bearerToken",
"value": "{{$.hTTPRequest.body.access_token}}"
Test the workflow
Finish with an “End Step - Success” operator and test the workflow.
Final steps
Now that we have the scaffolding created, you can revisit the first workflow and add additional logic to approve or deny requests. A caveat of request response type triggers is that you can only have a single subscription at a time, while fire and forget triggers can have up to 50. Because of this limitation, you probably won’t want to apply a filter to the event trigger subscription, and instead do some if/else logic in your workflow to handle the different types of requests. Once your logic is in place, enable all the trigger subscription and both workflows to start managing your access requests!