Remove forwarding option (UI button) from Access Reviews

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

IIQ 8.3p4

Please share any images or screenshots, if relevant.

When a review is scheduled, they get the Forward button when viewing the work item in My Work. The little arrow is the forwarding button.

They also can see it when going to My Access Reviews.

Is there a way to turn this function off or to get rid of or hide the button altogether?

We can hide the forward button by developing a custom plugin.

I have a similar requirement. I found a solution in the post below. Please take a look at it.

Solved: Hide forward button in WorkItem page - Compass (

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Morning Deepak,

Thanks for the tip. We have limited experience with plugins. Do you have a sample plugin that just disables the “forwarding button”?

All the best,

**CW (959 Bytes)

I just made a sample plugin and attached, you can directly import zipped plugin into SailPoint. You can customize as per requirement for disabling the button.

To learn more information about plugin, here are some helpful link. There is To-do plugin which can be more helpful for a reference.

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Thank you very much for your Plugin example using Javascript to mask the forwarding button. I can build on your example. I also appreciate the pointers to developing plugins.

I need to research how to mask the forwarding put for select forms only.

Thanks again,


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