Powershell SDK Issue: Not finding cmdlets

Should Get-BetaSpConfigExport work? I can’t seem to run this basic command because it doesn’t think the command exists… I can easily run a basic Get-Accounts cmdlet, but not this

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It looks like this is the only Get-BetaSpConfig* cmdlet that’s included in the module

Meaning all of these are missing

@tyler_mairose can you look into this? I tried removing and reinstalling the module without any luck.

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Hello @mcheek,

These are all available cmdlets related to SPConfig in the current version v1.1.1 in the PowerShell Gallery and Github’s main branch.

v 1.1.1 Github Main Description
Export-BetaSpConfig Export-BetaSpConfig Initiate Export
Export-BetaSpConfigDownload Get-BetaSpConfigExport Download Export
Export-BetaSpConfigJobStatus Export-BetaSpConfigJobStatus Get Export Status
Import-BetaSpConfig Import-BetaSpConfig Initiate Import
Import-BetaSpConfigDownload Get-BetaSpConfigImport Download Import Job Details
Import-BetaSpConfigJobStatus Import-BetaSpConfigJobStatus Get Import Status
Get-BetaSpConfigObjects Get-BetaSpConfigObjects Get a list of objects that can be exported.
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Get-BetaSpConfigExport → Export-BetaSpConfig

Looking at the source code, it seems that those are two different functions hitting different API endpoints

Export-BetaSPConfig initiates the export job, while Get-BetaSPConfigExport downloads the result

I was able to fix this by downloading the zip directly from GitHub and overwriting the module locally… so maybe it just hasn’t been updated in PSGallery?



You are right, I have updated my post above with all available cmdlets related to SpConfig!

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