Sp-config with Powershell module

I am having an issue using Import-BetaSpConfig from the powershell PSSailpoint library, getting this error : "{ “messages”: [ { “localeOrigin”: “DEFAULT”, “text”: “No files were supplied for import.”, “locale”: “en-US” } ], “trackingId”:
** | “3112a5a5c8164fb694d4fd67b0be39c3”, “detailCode”: “400.1.3 Illegal value” }"**
when executing the following code

$Preview = $true
$filename = "export_config_ef867c38-a454-42a3-a3d5-f9671b1ad00d.json"
$Result = Import-BetaSpConfig -Data $filename -Preview $Preview

The corresponding filename with json export content is located in the same repository as my script, and based on the Powershell SDK documentation we just need to set as parameters exported content filename as a string var, nothing more.

Do we need to process differently?

Hello @loickperreard,

This is a bug on our end, you can track the progress of the fix here and I will update this post when the fix is live.

Import-BetaSpConfig does not take in import file properly · Issue #25 · sailpoint-oss/powershell-sdk · GitHub.

The Data parameter here should be a binary file format, currently it is just a string of the filename.



This issue has been resolved in the latest commit. Automated build 'Automated commit 'Merge pull request #1237 from sail… · sailpoint-oss/powershell-sdk@2cb1e5f · GitHub

You can pull the changes from the repo or we will be releasing version 1.0.3 of the PowerShell module later this week that will include these changes.

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