Number of identities don't appear for corresponding Identity profile on Identity Profiles list

I created an delimited file source and identity profile out of that source. Identities were created, but when I checked the Identity profile page, it showed 0 identities, even though those identities were created (and correlated as should). I checked every identity, and it indeed was created by that identity profile and not some different IDP. Identities have a lifecycle state attribute as well (when I go to the provisioning tab, a correct number of identities are shown in an active tab (4 in my case), which seems correct as I defined all identities to be in active state)
I saw in the documents that an identity can only be created out of 1 identity profile (that seems logical). Did “apply changes” etc, identity profile shows active and delimited file is ,healthy, .
What did I do wrong there? I really appreciate your help!! Similar issue as being discussed here

How did you confirm that Identities were created by this Identity Profile only ?

Did you Identity Profile attribute for the identity ?

Can you check if there are any errors for these Identities ?

When go into details for each identity, “IDENTITY PROFILE” attribute shows correct identity profile.
Also, I checked the mappings, identity attribute “uid” is populated by id from source file, all along with lastname,firstname,work email, display name, etc.
Lifecycle State (cloudLifecycleState) also gets value from the source file (“active”) in my case, which is also populated.
In the identity list, there’s no any identity created from this source which has errors (not shown once you click that tab “Identities with errors”).
Each identity can only be created out of one identity profile, if I understand, if that’s correct?
In my case, Identity profile attribute shows correct value.
Feel free to correct me if I overlook anything here.

Hi @markomanium,

Are you talking about this identity count?

Usually, that count takes some time to reflect the right number. From your previous comments, it looks like you have the correct number of identities in the active tab, you also confirmed IDP priority is not an issue as all the identities belong to the IDP you are referring to, and there are no identity errors. To me, it looks like there are no issues.

Have you tried refreshing the identity profile using VS code or API?

Using VS code, go to Identity Profile'>> your IDP >> right click >> Refresh all identities.
Using API,

Also, make sure identityRefreshRequired attribute set to true.

Please let me know if this works!

Your understanding is correct.

It wont take much time to reflect the count, I believe it’s been a couple of days since you configured this.

Try running Aggregation for that Authoritative (HR) Source and do some changes to your Identity Profile either in mappings or add some transform, save and apply changes.

Go to search and run query“your IDP Name”, see if it is giving you count accurately.

Still if that doesn’t resolve the issue, better create support ticket, guess some task is stuck.

Hi @markomanium,

This indeed look like the same issue as the post you attached in your post.

First of all if you have any other Identity Profile check the precedence which one is higher priority.

You wont see the count in lower priority ID profile, even if the identity is created out of that ID profile.

Hope this will help!

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This doesn’t make any sense, priority is to consider Identity Profile when there is same identity in more than one Authoritative source.


Yes, you are absolutely correct.

What I mean to say if the identities are part of one more Identity Profile, then the user will be shown in higher precedence ID profile not the in the lower one. Same goes for count, you won’t see the count being increased in lower priority but can see that in higher one.

Also given the reference to the post that @markomanium already attached to this post. Please refer that.

Hello everyone, ( @markomanium is my private acc). I apologize on the long post:
@Sachin_Rajathadri yes, that count I’m talking about.
Yesterday, I tried 4 different paths/approaches, and still didn’t manage to make a number pop:

  1. path:
    -Did some mapping changes back and forth (just to trigger identityRefreshRequired to true):

-Saw this status here as I wanted:

-Also, “Apply changes” was present:

hit apply changes, and in list it still shows 0

  1. path:
    -Did some changes again, made refresh attribute true:

-Went to refresh through API as provided:
-got 202 response, refresh attribute went to false:

-Once checked, it’s still 0

-There’s still available apply changes button which didn’t go away:

But hit Apply changes there too, and went back to list, it still showed 0 identities.

  1. path:
    -Do some mapping changes back and forth again, just to trigger an attribute:

-Got this “Needs processing” as I wanted:

-Hit refresh through API again, /identity-profiles/:identity-profile-id/process-identities
got 202 accepted…

-it went back to false:

-Now I see it’s active and still 0:

-Apply changes disappeared (as should):

  1. path:
    -Updated priority to from 220 to 160, got attribute ,true, again:

-Got this status again:

-And message ofc:

-Hit apply changes, saw false identityRefreshRequired:

-shows 0 again:

-I tried several times by updating priority by different numbers (one time I made profile to be a top priority), tried some changes again afterwards, and nothing changed.

@MVKR7T I have all identities displayed, not a problem with that

Identities are shown as correlated as well etc…

At last, out of curiosity, tried one more thing (not sure if it makes sense as identities/accounts from auth. source are all correlated, but thought it might change anything):

-added new identity profile attribute, “employeeNumber”, mapped it to the “id” of the auth. source and re-aggregated source

-when I test correlation with “Employee number” = “id”, it fails even though that when I go to list of uncorrelated accounts, it shows 0, as all acc’s are correlated already.

-Then I added new identity profile attribute, “identificationNumber” and did all the same, test correlation fails as 0 accounts are correlated (but when I check, all acc’s are correlated again).

-test correlation works well on “Work email”=“email”

-deleted all identities, re-aggregated source again, all identities got created. I have 0 uncorrelated again.

-tested aggregation on “Username”=“id” and it testes successfully a correlation, same as with emails

-but still, number of identities in the identity profiles’ list shows 0 for this profile.

-also, in Search, returns all of my identities again (no problem there). Also, on the provisioning tab, number of “active”/“inactive” users is okay, I have 4 in active, 0 in inactive

P.S. I always had all necessary attributes mapped in identity profile
User Name (uid),
Work Email(email)
Family Name (lastname)

Does anyone maybe have any more ideas on what should I try, or if I did miss anything? Appreciate your responses, and thanks everyone for your big engagement so far!!!

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