Workflow Execution window does not refresh running workflow

What problem are you observing?

When you are testing a workflow and you want to watch the status of it in the workflow Execution Window, if the status comes up as Running, it will not refresh when the status changes.

What is the correct behavior?

The screen should refresh when the status changes.

What product feature is this related to?

ISC Workflows

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Create a workflow with an external trigger. It might be useful to have a wait step, but I used a Send Email and End Step for testing (As the Send Email as failing ( See here: Ambassador Tenant - Workflow Send Email step fails with 403 error when testing)
Go to the Workflow in the ISC UI.
Trigger the workflow to execute
In the UI, click on Executions to see it running. The Circle should be rotating.
Wait for several minutes to see that this never changes from running, even as the execution should have been completed.
You can verify the Execution is completed using the API if you triggered the execution from either CURL or the API which provide you with the WorkflowExecutionId

Refresh the screen by clicking Details then back to Execution (There really should be a Refresh button on the execution screen)
Notice that the status is updated.

Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?

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