I need to update an email template inside a workflow but while I see the workflow executions, certain executions are still in “Running” state which were in running state since 3-4 days. I think that’s a bug and idnow team are still improving workflows efficiency. I need to disable the workflow to update and need to update the template. In that case, will the executions that are in “Running” state gets terminated? What is the best possible way to update the workflow if some of the executions are in state other than “Completed” such as “pending”, “Running” etc. Any thoughts?
Hello @DFuyal,
You need to disable the workflow to be able to update it. It’s required even by API. Otherwise, you’ll get an erro
The executions that are taking long time to be executed generally end up failing.
Hi @DFuyal I have suffered it several times. You have to cancel it via API. First you have to look up you workflow id:
Then, you have to find workflow executions with running/pending state for that workflow id, and finally cancel them.
One or two times this was not enough, in that cases I had to open a case to ask Sailpoint to kill workflow executions.
One thing I noticed, is that if some workflow goes into execution state and takes some time, is preferable to go take a coffee and come later, because if you trigger more workflows you will stuck more the system.
Note that for one workflow ID, it may be one or more workflow executions. You will call the Cancel Workflow Execution by ID for each one of them.
I ran into this problem in my instance and THIS was the solution that helped me. Thanks!
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