We have requirement for webservice connector where we need to remove the roles from the user and disable the user.
I think we can achieve using WebServiceBeforeOperationRule but does anyone can suggest how to implement using WebServiceBeforeOperationRule and steps to be followed?
Whenever user leaves/departs from the company we need to remove the roles associated with that user related to the target web service application and disable the user on the target web service application. I think we may not be able to achieve using HTTP remove and disable operation as we may not combine two different operations in a single HTTP operation. How can we achieve using Web Service Before operation rule and any sample code and steps to be followed.
Hi @kalyannambi2010 as @Abhinov7 says you can use before provisioning rule for disabling the account and remove groups when user terminate.
I have tried with Webservice Operation Rule but it not works for me.
So better you can write an before provisioning rule or you can get help with Sailpoint Expert Service to deploy the default rule “Service Standard Before Provisioning Rule”
Yes you can apply the before provisioning rule to webservice connector. But it would be a cloud rule. We need SailPoint support help to deploy rule into tenant.
Yes you can use the rule for webservice connector. However you can use the Service Standard Rule by importing into your tenant with the help of sp-config.
Ho @Abhinov7 thank you for your reply and in my use case “roleId” is the entitlement attribute and how to use Object initialGrpList = idn.getRawAccountAttribute(curApp, acctId, “memberOf”); method in before provisioning rule and as my application is not Active Directory and it is Web Service?
Hi @Abhinov7 I have updated the code and submitted for SP team to deploy and will update the results but still we need to define HTTP operation for disable operation as well with API call for disable of the account?
Yes, you can configure a Disable Account operation on the source config UI and configure the API endpoint responsible for disabling the user account. If you’re configuring Disable Account operation, ensure that you are checking the “Disable Account” operation on the leaver related lifecycle state in the identity profile.
Parallelly, your beforeProvisioning rule can take care of removing all the roleId’s.
I have defined HTTP operation for disable account and have written below before provisioning rule for remove of the all the roleId’s and could you please provide your feedback?
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
SampleBeforeProvisoning Before Provisioning Rule which removes all the group memberships.