Webservice connector: role revoke and user disable

Hey everyone!
I have a use case for our web service connector I could use some advice on how to best try and figure out a solution.

Use case:
When the user Lifecyclestatus changes from active to terminated/dormant , all his entitlements should be removed and his account should be disabled.

What could be the best approach to achieve this requirement webservice connector. Both the requirements should be included in same operation.


You should (maybe you already have) configure Identity Profile - Provisioning, for Inactive LCS, add this source under disable accounts.

Automatically disable account operation will be triggered.

In your Webservice source, for disable operation, you can add additional HTTP operation which removes all the user entitlements, if you have API for that. If not then use Web Service Before Operation Rule, check if operation is disable logic to remove all the entitlements.

– Krish

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