Webservice Disable operation

I am trying to configre to disbale operation via webservice connector. While doing that, first some attribtes must be updated to null and the account needs to be disabled. we tried using two disbale operations. In first one, we using PUT method to updates the valeues and then calling the disable operation (delete method). BUT due to the delete method, we cannot configure anuthing in the body of the operation. can anyone faciing the same isue? and how to approach this issue


I think you are on the right track, with 2 disable operations. With ā€˜updateā€™ being the parent of the ā€˜deleteā€™.

For the second operation, where you have the delete method, you should still be able to use $plan.nativeIdentity$ if you need to use the native identity.

If you need other attributes in the delete method, you can try pass them in the response mapping, and then use $response.variableName$

If any of that doesnt work you can try using a Before Operation rule and getting what you need there.(Either directly, or worst case, an API call to ISC to look up the account values)

Hi @kani1,

I will suggest web service before operation rule or web service after operation rule. Using web service rules to achieve this type of use case. find the below documentation link for more details regarding rules
Web Services Before/After Operation Rule (sailpoint.com)

Thank You.

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Hi @kani1,

I do not think you can use request chaining for disable operation. But in order to achieve your use-case if you want to perform some operation after action is taken on target then you can use ā€œWebservice After Operation Ruleā€ otherwise you can use ā€œWebservice Before Operation Ruleā€.

Let us know if you need further help.



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