How to attach a before operation rule to a web service connector for an operation?

How to attach a before operation rule to a web service connector for an operation?

Hi Amrit,
Here you can find how to do that

If you already have the rule created in your tenant, then go into Visual Studio Code, find the action you want to add it to and add a line for “beforeRule” and set it to your rule name. Here is an example of an “Add Entitlement” call with a before rule configured (third line from the bottom):

                "httpMethodType": "PATCH",
                "pagingInitialOffset": 0,
                "sequenceNumberForEndpoint": "5",
                "uniqueNameForEndPoint": "Add User to Group - 1",
                "curlCommand": null,
                "rootPath": "$",
                "body": {
                    "bodyFormData": null,
                    "jsonBody": "{\n   \"schemas\":[\n      \"urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp\"\n   ],\n   \"Operations\":[\n      {\n         \"op\":\"add\",\n         \"path\":\"members\",\n         \"value\":[\n            {\n               \"value\":\"$request.nativeIdentity$\"\n            }\n         ]\n      }\n   ]\n}",
                    "bodyFormat": "raw"
                "customAuthUrl": null,
                "paginationSteps": null,
                "responseCode": [
                "resMappingObj": null,
                "contextUrl": "Groups/$request.groups$",
                "pagingSize": 50,
                "curlEnabled": false,
                "header": null,
                "operationType": "Add Entitlement",
                "beforeRule": "My before rule name",
                "xpathNamespaces": null,
                "parentEndpointName": null
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To attach a before provisioning rule use the below API.
PATCH : {{api-url}}/v3/sources/{{sourceid}}
“op”: “add”,
“path”: “/connectorAttributes/connectionParameters/10/beforeRule”,
“value”: “Name of the Rule”

Number 10 here will the operation order which you have define. For that you can first do a get call on {{api-url}}/v3/sources/{{sourceid}} get the number and then add it.

Let me know if you face any issue while calling the api.


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