Web services connector


Trying to configure a new app and aggregate accounts but getting “0 Accounts scanned”.

Acct. schema has been configured per JSON response.
Operations configured:

  • Test connection
  • Authentication
  • Acct. Aggregation

Test conn. is successful.

Does the Create Account operation need to be configured?

No need of create account for account aggregation, check the Root path in Response Information. Incorrect root path can lead 0 accounts.

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Thanks Krishna.
root path is: “$.users
Schema for the account aggregation response (I also added all attribs to the acct. schema under acct mgmt):

    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "message": "Request completed fine, no errors"
    "users": [
            "version": "jhdfgi04090cb1e1c288d00775e9fe",
            "userId": 234523,
            "firstName": "Johnny",
            "firstNameSort": "Johnny",
            "lastName": "Black",
            "lastNameSort": "Black",
            "organization": "Enron",
            "organizationSort": "Enron",
            "roleType": "ADMIN",
            "keyContact": true,
            "isPlaceholderUser": false,
            "officePhone": "123456789",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "createdBy": {
                "firstName": "Alvin",
                "lastName": "Smith",
                "firstNameSort": "Alvin",
                "lastNameSort": "Smith"
            "createdOn": {
                "milliseconds": 1730760279000

Figured out the issue - it was in the response mapping - I had appended the root path to the attribute path for each attribute

so now it aggregates fine


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