My webservices connector is no longer aggregating successfully. It is successfully creating and deleting accounts and populating most attributes but not all. I have added test attributes to the schema and aggregation mappings with the same JSON path as an existing attribute (which I see populated successfully) and the new attribute is not being populated at all. It cannot be a JSON path issue since I am using the same path between an existing populated attribute and the new unpopulated attribute. It also is unlikely to be a connection issue, since new accounts are being created.
Thank you for your suggestion. I reset the source twice and ran aggregations twice. The first time I ran aggregation I used the real JSON path for my new attribute. The second time I ran aggregation I used the exact same path as an existing attribute.
My new attribute did not populate either the first or the second time, even though the second time I saw the original attribute with the same path get populated.
If the information is not sensitive, can you share screenshots of your source configuration? Specifically the account schema and aggregation operation configuration. Also, a sample response from the target API that you are using for aggregation will help us see if the JSONpath you are using will work for your APIs response schema.
I would prefer not to share this information publicly, but I also have an open ticket where I am happy to share additional information.
Regarding the JSON path, I do not see how it is a JSON path issue if one attribute is getting populated and another is not and both share the exact same JSON path. Similarly, the account schema have both listed as strings with the same configuration (besides the name of the attributes differing).
I understand not wanting to share those details. It’s good you opened a support ticket. Support will be able to investigate the details. There’s only so much we can do in the community without seeing the configurations, and I think we’ve exhausted our ideas.
Hi, I have some problems like this, where something has an unexpected behaviour. Recently I had a WS connector that always broughts 0 accounts, knowing configuration was fine. I tried creating another WS connector with exact configuration, and worked. Perhaps making many tests in sandbox left some garbage on data.
Also I have a WS connector that does not aggregate when an identity changes attributes. With unoptomized aggregation works fine, so I performed a workflow to call unoptimized endpoint in a periodic rate, as this tis our authoritative source.
The issue was with some custom code applied in a Web Services After Operation rule, which was explicitly setting certain attributes. I needed to add an additional attribute in the UI and to the AfterOperation rule, which I forgot to do initially.