{“detailCode”:“400.0 Bad request syntax”,“trackingId”:“597d89d582c84eb78e7f4d971e29b2cf”,“messages”:[{“locale”:“en-US”,“localeOrigin”:“DEFAULT”,“text”:“The request could not be parsed.”},{“locale”:“und”,“localeOrigin”:“REQUEST”,“text”:“The request could not be parsed.”}],“causes”:}
You can make use of the visual studio code extension which is very easy to setup and use. The extension makes it easy for you to create and update policies (and make many other config changes without depending on Postman).
You can copy and paste the values from any existing attribute and just save to make the updates in the cloud.
@nguanizo2 In that case, there is a PUT API call you can use as below:
PUT : https://{tenant name}.api.identitynow.com/v3/sources/ {source id}/provisioning-policies/CREATE
For the JSON body, you can use the same template as above which I’ve provided and it would work. Bad request errors usually error arise if your JSON body is improperly formed.