New Account Provisioned Email Template - not working

I am looking to enable new account provisioning email template for salesforce source in my environment.

I have read through this document here -New Account Provisioned Email Template - SailPoint Identity Services

In postman, I set up the following


    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/connectorAttributes/accountCreateNotification",
    "value": {
      "notifyList": [
        "[email protected]"
      "notifyAccountOwner": false,
      "enabled": true,
      "notifyAccountOwnerAltEmail": false

content-type: application/json-patch+json
accept: application/json

I am getting the following error:

“detailCode”: “400.1 Bad request content”,
“trackingId”: “18b94d4317844bd189733fa310d27c16”,
“messages”: [
“locale”: “und”,
“localeOrigin”: “REQUEST”,
“text”: “The request was syntactically correct but its content is semantically invalid.”
“locale”: “en-US”,
“localeOrigin”: “DEFAULT”,
“text”: “The request was syntactically correct but its content is semantically invalid.”

I am not sure what is causing it to fail here?`Preformatted text`

try to update it using Vscode.


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Hi Shajedul,

The payload seems to be incorrect, try using the below payload

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/connectorAttributes/accountCreateNotification",
    "value": {
      "notifyList": [
        "[email protected]"
      "notifyAccountOwner": false,
      "enabled": true,
      "notifyAccountOwnerAltEmail": false

The second option to update the notification using the Microsoft Visual Studio Code, if you have the ISC setup then it’s easy to update.


I replaced it with your payload but it still giving me the same error.

Do you have a link for me to look up on the isc setup in VS code?

Hi Shajedul,

Can you try changing the op value to “add”, because the source might not be having that attribute by default.

VS Code ISC Configuration:

  1. Download and install VSCode
  2. Navigate to “Extensions” tab of the left top corner and search for SailPoint
  3. Install the SailPoint ISC plugin
  4. Click on add tenant and follow the instructions.


Thank you so much, Karti.

I was able to get the ISC setup. I havent used it before. Which field would we be updating here? and how would we push the update into sailpoint using ISC?

Hi Shajedul,

Look for “connectorAttributes” and next to that give a enter and paste the below value,


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I added it. Does it get pushed when I save? or is there anything I have to do to push or enable this?

you do not have to do anything just save it Ctrl+s.

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Hi Shajedul,

Just saving the changes will push the code to the tenant, nothing else required.


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@Karthikeyan_U @salam1

Where exactly do we create the email template itself and how do we attach it against a specific source. Looks like the documentation doesnt cover it.

We use Sailpoint Identity Now. If you go to admin → global → email templates. Then search new account provisioned email template. It is already built by sailpoint. We just add/remove attribute you want to include in the email template. For example: Identity.department and more

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@Karthikeyan_U Do you know if the DL need to exist in sailpoint in order for the email to be sent successfully? I set up a DL in the notifylist but that DL does not exist in sailpoint. I can see from the sailpoint logs that the email was sent upon account create but the DL system did not get any email from sailpoint.

It was found out that zendesk blocks no-reply emails.

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In this case you can change the noreply email to some other email in the system settings - Product Branding.

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