Hello All,
I recently spot an strange case with user provisioning to EntraID with out of the box connector: Cetrain identities are receiving error: [ConnectorError] Error occurred in create user (requestId: 51e3781daefb4856b31e85d2c080328e)
while others are being provisioned with no issues whatsoever.
we are creating users with few attributes set in Account Profile: static value, password generator, 1to1 IDP identity attribute mapping and 3x transform that are taking displayFirstName, displayLastName, displayName, firstname and lastname from IDP. Regarding transforms it’s nothing fancy - concats that merge displayName with suffix.
Now, all identites that we would like to provision are having those values in IPD so there is no difference between them.
How this is possible that some account are created properly and some are getting constatly error? As this is Saas connecter
Screenshot as a link to hosting service (legit one)
Can you check if the accounts are not created if it has a common attribute?
Maybe for those accounts, some attributes are violating some policies or value constraint.
check where you are creating it and what resources you allocate
i do not think that there are policy violation (of cource i will check it anyway) but all value we would like to provision are in same format, only latin characters (no special chars)
The problem has been solved (actually two problems)
the account could not be created because it was already in the source system, but with a different display name (so our customer filter component did not work) - a correction in the display name import the account.
2 The second problem was more complex, as it turned out that one of the accounts could not be created with non-Latin characters in the UPN. A change in the transform fixed the issue.