Send Email notification to certifiers using workflows

Hi All,

I have a requirement where i need to send the email notification to certifiers once certification start. I also want to send this email notification in a days period like if a cert deadline is within 9 days i need to send 2,5,7 days respectively.

I have created the workflow but not able to get the certifier email in Send Email actions. Is there any way to add connector rule into workflow to get the certifier email. Any solutions could be helpful.
Thanks in advance!!!

After Campaign Activated trigger you can add a httpRequest Action where you can send a request to the following API

and get the list of reviewers, which you can run though a loop and send email to each of the reviewers

@iamology I have tried http request to call the list of reviewers api, but it was throwing request failed error when i run the test workflow.

For authentication I have choose OAuth 2.0 - Client Credentials Grant and given the following details,

Token URL:
Client ID: client id
Client Secret: client secret
Request URL:
Query Parameters: id = certification id
Request Headers: Content-Type = application/json
Method: GET

Is there any specific query to get the cert ID, instead of directly giving in parameters. Did I missed anything here?

Try with this for token URL

@iamology Tried the token URL that u have mentioned but still getting request failed.

Below are the details for HTTP Request failed error am getting:

Getting the result when I send the request to the list of reviewers API call from postman.

:id in GET request URL for the reviewers list indicates a path parameter, and not query parameter. As there is no option to add path parameter to the URL for httpRequest this is what I did:

  1. Add 4 Define Variable Operations to the workflow where first one holds text, second one variable $, third /reviewers text. And 4th one concatenates these 3 variables
  2. Use the variable from 4th Define Variable as the URL in httpRequest.

Check the URL string in the Step Input for httpRequest in Workflow tester. It should look like

@iamology Tried with define variable but still getting the error also the URL string in the step input for Http Request is like below:

Did I do anything wrong in these step?

Looking at some other posts this is what I have found:

  • We need to create 2 httpRequests in this case, one for authentication and second for actual API request
  • In the first call you send a POST request to ...../oauth/token URL with Form request body with these 3 fields
    grant_type: client_credentials
    client_id: __________________
  • Then use the access_token in the body of the response from above in the header of next httpRequest
    Authorization : Bearer {{$.hTTPRequest.body.access_token}}
  • Leave Authentication empty for both httpRequests

Here is the link where I found this

Also make sure you are using the right id field from Campaign Activated in the URL. There are 2 ids and it might be confusing when you pick the variable from inside Define Variable
Right one
Wrong one

And here is the test result
Screenshot 2024-02-14 083333

@iamology Did we have Authentication and Get Reviewers in action?

Yes, I could see the same result that I got in Postman

@iamology In my tenant i don’t see any action related to authentication or Get reviewers.

Can you share the screenshots of configurations for both httpOperations?

Here is the screenshot:

First HttpRequest:

Second httpRequest:

In Define variable given like this:

Any thing that i have missed?

Building Request API URL

URL1 (text):
URL2 (attribute): $
URL3 (text): /reviewers
Building Final API URL

Authentication httpPost

API Request

defineVariable3 in the Request URL refers to Final API URL
Header will be:
Authorization : Bearer {{$.hTTPRequest.body.access_token}}
Here hTTPRequest refers to Authentication httpRequest

Also note that you can use the following for Get Reviewers URL{{$}}/reviewers
And eliminate DefineVariable operations

@iamology Tried with your idea but getting the following error:

For client id and client secret i have used PAT token is it right to use this?

you have demo/com instead of in your request URL :slight_smile:

Also, you can simplify your workflow as per my other response

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I have tried with define variable and define variable eliminated but both results giving same error:

Also in Get identity what query we need to use because when I choose variable selector for Get Reviewers I can only see the body, headers and statusCode.

CampaignhTTPRequest20240215.json (2.9 KB)

Here is the json file from my workflow. Please compare this with yours and check if you can find any difference

@iamology Thanks will check it out and let u know :+1: