SDIM ServiceDesk Integration - how to stop ticket/request from being created?

We have the SDIM integration working fine for a Delimited Source, however for certain actions we do NOT need a ticket to be created.
I have the velocity code in Description and ShortDescription able to determine the logic - but I don’t know how to stop IDN from creating/sending the ticket to ServiceNow.
Is there a specific argument/value that can be used to “stop” the workflow (e.g. like the #stop on the email templates to stop an email being sent)?
Has anybody been able to do this?

Welcome to the developer community Alf. Have you read the service desk documentation? I don’t know if there is an answer to your question in there, but it would be a good place to start.

Thanks Colin. Yes - been through it all (as much as I could find) - everything related to creating one! :wink:
Tried searching various forums - nothing so far.

FYI Follow up - I have heard that this capability is currently NOT supported on SDIM, so we will need to raise an enhancement request. (Done -

In the meantime, we have created a workaround by placing the logic in the Ticket Creation “State” Field, by setting it to “closed_complete” (in our case = 3) as opposed to “requested” (=1).

This obviously still creates the REQ and SCTASK ticket, but in a closed state, and (if quick enough) IDN immediately (or next cycle) confirms status and completes its action.


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Thanks for the follow up Alf. This will help future users with the same issue.

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Hi @Alf_Kasperczyk2
could you please elaborate this

In the meantime, we have created a workaround by placing the logic in the Ticket Creation “State ” Field, by setting it to “closed_complete ” (in our case = 3 ) as opposed to “requested” (=1).

What does (in our case = 3 ) mean and
as opposed to “requested” (=1). mean
currently we have below mapping

"statusMap": {
                        "closed_complete": "Committed",
                        "closed_rejected": "Failed",
                        "requested": "Queued",
                        "in_process": "Queued",
                        "closed_cancelled": "Failed",
                        "closed_incomplete": "Failed",
                        "closed_skipped": "Failed"

How can i change my config to meet your configuration.
Thanks in Advance.

Hi @Divya_Sri_123,
ServiceNow represents the various states of a ticket by numbers - but in IDN they appear as the above text values. So confirm with your SNOW admin (or if you have access) check the actual values that SNOW uses to represent these states. (Not sure if this is right link… Update change request states (

Hence, normally, when creating a ticket, we just set the “State” of a newly created ticket to “1” (which represents “requested” in our SNOW).

Because we cannot NOT create a ticket, my workaround has been to force the ticket we create to be created immediately in a “closed” state instead. In our SNOW system “closed_complete” maps to “3”.

So, we created simple velocity logic to set the value to “3” whenever we do NOT need any manual action to be performed for a given IDN provisioning trigger.
e.g. I can’t remember exactly but in this example we only needed entitlement assignments (not account create/enable/disable):

#set($statereq = '1' )
#set($stateclosed = '3' )
	#foreach($item in $request.items)
		#if($! == 'groups')#set($state = $statereq)#break
		#{else}#set($state = $stateclosed)
    #set($state = $stateclosed)