SaaS Connectivity - Attribute Sync

I have a SaaS connector setup for management of Zscaler Private Access. So far most functions are working as expected:

  • Test Connectivity :white_check_mark:
  • Aggregate All / Single Accounts :white_check_mark:
  • Aggregate Entitlements :white_check_mark:
  • Add / Remove Entitlements :white_check_mark:
  • Enable / Disable Account :white_check_mark:
  • Update/Sync Single Account :white_check_mark:

However when it comes to Sycronization, I must be missing something. When clicking the “Sync” button on the attribute Sync page I get the following error:

  • “Error Queueing Attribute Sync - The following error occurred when queueing the attribute sync for this source:”

Identities do sync/update when triggered by a change to the Identity or when done manually.

Is there a specific command or function that might be missing from the connector that allows for that level of attribute sync?

Hi Kurt,

Can you share a bit more on the setup of the source? Especially:

  • Attribute sync, which attributes have you selected for attribute sync? What is their source, etc?
  • What capabilities have you configured in the connnector-spec.json?
  • Have you tried running the connector locally, does the update account work then?
  • Have you used the SailPoint IdN cli command ‘sail conn invoke’ to try out the attribute sync / account update?

My initial question is really focused on looking for validation that the “Attribute Sync” is supported and works on SaaS connectors. When looking at the available examples and of the supported connector commands I haven’t seen anything that is specific to sync.

Knowing that Delta Aggregation was not supported until a handful of months ago, gave me reason to wonder if this is similar.

Essentially, attribute sync should work for any source. The reason I’m asking these specific questions is to see if the update account capability is correctly implemented in the SaaS connector.

Not exactly sure what I did that addressed this, but can confirm that the sync is working as expected for the couple I have seutp. Thanks for the input

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