I tried to sync the extensionAttribute10 manually in prod and it is not getting sync and not created event also.
I checked below link no solution.
I tried to sync the extensionAttribute10 manually in prod and it is not getting sync and not created event also.
I checked below link no solution.
Hi @pkumar22 ,
How are you doing the manual sync. I am not sure if you have already tried this, perhaps its a two step process:
Enable Attribute sync configuration using: put-source-attr-sync-config | SailPoint Developer Community
Synchronize the attributes using: sync-attributes-for-source | SailPoint Developer Community
I have already tried the given steps. but it didn’t worked.
Hi @pkumar22 ,
If you try to explicitly refresh/process the identity, are you able to see the sync happening?
In my experience, if IdN is busy doing large batches of something else (e.g. doing the daily refresh for your whole population), the manual sync get’s thrown at the back of the queue and thus nothing happens.
My trick is usually to do a single account aggregation, which also refreshes the Identity and which then does lead to provisioning (if any changes are needed of course!).
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