Provisioning not starting on Split Approval and Provisioning Subprocess

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Version 8.3

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I’m currently using the Workflow-FrameWork-Wrapper from the Accelerator Pack for Request Access, and I’m facing an issue with the Provisioning. I’m using the Custom-ApprovalFrameWorkMappings to specify the workflow’s variables. I’ve enabled Split Eligibility for the relevant approver type and set the defaultApprovalMode to parallel.

I am requesting access for two distinct approvers’ entitlements from the same application. When the workflow reaches the Split Approval and Provisioning Subprocess, approvals are issued to both approvers simultaneously; however, provisioning doesn’t begin until both approvers have given their approval. If only one approval is given, the provisioning doesn’t start.

This is the only use case where I have observed this behavior; in other use cases, when two entitlements are requested, provisioning begins once the corresponding approval is granted.

Is there a way to ensure the provisioning starts for the scenario presented?

Did you check on workflow case what is happening after the first approval?

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Hi @brunoocarvalho,

What is the approvalScheme you are using?
At the same time can you try setting your approvalMode to “parallelPoll” and observe the behavior.

Let us know the observation.


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After the first approval, the entry <Approval> has complete=“true”, state=“Finished”, and an endDate. The entry <ApprovalItem> also has an approver and state=“Finished”, but there are no changes regarding the provisioning entries.

In cases with expected behavior, the step that handles provisioning disappears after the first approval.

In the case where entitlements from the same application are requests, there is only one <WorkflowCase launcher="bcadmin" name="Interactive Request Dynamic Approval">, that continues to exist even after the first approval.

Meanwhile, with entitlements from different applications, there are two <WorkflowCase launcher="bcadmin" name="Interactive Request Dynamic Approval">, one of which disapears after the first approval.

Is there any variable or condition that could be causing this difference?

The approvalScheme is not being used. I tested a few combinations of approvaScheme and approvalMode, but none seemed to Provision after the first approval.

I did some research and found that the “Split Plan” step of the workflow calls the function splitProvisioningPlan. This function joins the tracking IDs per application.

Would it be possible to achieve the desired behavior if I edited this function to simply append the tracking IDs instead of joining them by application?

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