Hi all,
I just wanted to submit some feedback on the new Delimited File UI as I found the “Import Accounts” process to be a bit unintuitive on first use. It’s entirely possible that this is just me, but I wanted to throw it out there just in case it resonated:
When trying out the new Delimited source UI, after setting up my schema, I’m drawn to " Review and Import Accounts" at the top of the page:
On this page I am met with a button labeled “Import Accounts” and not much other context
Typically, I understand “Import Accounts” to mean aggregation unless otherwise stated. This verbiage is reinforced by the “Aggregate Accounts” page:
When I select “Import Accounts” there is some text regarding the account recommendations, but at this point I think it is a fair assumption that I am “importing accounts” as the label states
When my accounts do not appear, I troubleshoot my csv file, review the schema, etc. and then notice that I missed a new heading for “Account Aggregation”. This makes sense, and from here on out I understand that “Review and Import Accounts” is for schema and correlation generation and the true “Import Accounts” lies under this page that I had missed. However, I do still think it’s a tad confusing on first time use, as you follow the flow top-to-bottom. I would suggest either changing the name of the “Review and Import Accounts”, adding some context to the page to describe what this import’s purpose is, and/or directing the user to “Account Aggregation” as part of the success pop-up on the first import.
Hopefully this post made sense, and again it may just be my mistake . I appreciate the open forum for feedback!