Need to create workflow for user provisioning (Dis-connect application) iiq 8.4

I have to implement usecase :
Access request for dis-connected approach:
The end user will raise a request in servicenow for a particular role access, which is part of a disconnected application. Once sailpoint received access request, an approval task will be triggered, requiring approval from workgroup owners. after approval, an email will be sent to the admin team for access provisioning. The admin team will then manually provide the access update the request status in sailpoint, and update the identity and update the servicenow and end user.

Kindly assist how to processed.
Flow :
Create sailpoint access request-> trigger approval task in sailpoint → decision-> yes or no,
If yes → triggers manuals item/ task in sailpoint-> provision and close the task in sailpoint → request status updated in sailpoint and updated in identity → update the service request & notify user.

If No → request status updated in Sailpoint and update identity ->update the service request & notify user.

Are you using SailPoint’s ServiceNow application? Or are you hoping to make your own API call out of ServiceNow to an on-premises IIQ service?

Hello Devin,
We are using SailPoint’s ServiceNow application.
Divya P

Kindly assist me how to processed.

The LCM provisioning is used as a business process for handling access requests.
We have created a Disconnected Application (PLADS 90) which consists of Accounts, Roles & Entitlements.
When we raise request for a role(that is part of Plads 90 Application), the approval part is generated to manager/Role Owner as expected but post approval the provisioning part is not getting triggered.

As per documentation, the Identity Request Provision Sub Process should create a manual workItem.

Please assist, Thanks in Advance!

does the plads 90 application has provisioning in it’s feature string?

Hi Abhishek,
Please find the screenshot below

Divya P

do you see any identity request generated as part of the role request

If you do… Check the request and keep the following in mind. If there are any other items being provisioned via direct connector or integration modules, these MUST be handled and completed before any manual work items are created. This is due to how the LCM Provisioning process and its subprocesses are setup. The sub-process ‘Provision with Retries’ and ‘Check Status of queued items’ will block the creation of work items until both of these sub-workflows have completed.

Were you able to fix this issue. I have something similar.

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