Kicking off Manual Workitem for disconnected applicaitons on leaver workflow

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Version 8.2

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I am trying to configure my Leaver workflow to kickoff manual workitems for disconnected applicaitons. Any idea on how to accomplish this task? My current configuration shows my connected applications but when I include any disconnected applications it shows on the lifecycle event but a manual workitem does not get kicked off.

Hi Charles,
Can you show your leaver workflow which is started by the identity trigger?

Usualy this kind of problem happens when you use provisioner.execute(plan) to provision changes. It works only for connected applications.

If you want to support also disconnected applications you need to us LCM Provisioning as subworkflow passing your provisioning plan as argument.

Leaver workflow.txt (12.0 KB)

See workflow attached

Try to replace initialize and provision steps with launch of LCM Provisioning with the plan from step Build Provisioning Plan

I just modified your workflow - it should look like this

Leaver workflow.xml (10.1 KB)

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