Manual Workitem for Disconnected Application

We are requesting role - Test Role 1 for a disconnected application(DeLimited File Connector).
The LCM Provisioning workflow is used.

In the first step, the Approval is going to the Intended Workgroup

after approving a Manual Work item is getting generated.

For the Manual Work item, the approver is seeing the page with access request details but with Entitlements(of the role)

We want to show the ROLE NAME (and not the entitlements to the approver) for Manual Actions.

Generally there are 2 phases in IIQ, Approval (which will contain the Requested Role Information for the respective approvers to approve in IIQ) and the Provisioning (which is intended for the Application team (not IIQ) to provision the respective entitlement in the application). The above screenshot seems to be the provisioning one and contains the right information as the Application team must only know about the entitlement they need to provision in the end system.

or may be please share if the requirement is different.

Yes, this is on the provisioning phase. But for the Manual Work item, the approver is seeing the page with access request details of Entitlements(of the role)

We want to show the ROLE NAME (and not the entitlements to the approver) for Manual Actions.

We have raised the request for a ROLE (say named - Test ROLE 1) and it contains no entitlements, so for manual work items page the ROLE NAME should be displayed and not any Entitlements.

How can we achieve this?? Please suggest.