We are requesting Role - Test Role 1(which does not have entitlements) for a disconnected application(DeLimited File Connector).
In the first step, the Approval is going to the Intended Workgroup displaying the ROLE details and after approving a Manual Work item is getting generated.
For the Manual Work Item, the approver is seeing the page with Entitlements(of the role) and not the ROLE NAME.
We want to show the ROLE NAME (and not the entitlements to the approver) for Manual Actions.
Role just represents the logical encapsulation of different entitlement set or other roles which turn holds entitlement. It is default behavior where actual role is not shown in manual workitem.
So, during provisioning at the end the final entitlement which is actual have existence will be available in manual workitem for manual provisioning.
If there is some specific use-case where you have to show the Role name then you might have to make some customization just to show the role name.