JDBC Integration Issue with SailPoint Class

Hi all,

I was trying to on-board a JDBC application and I got the weird issue saying that JDBC class itself not found, has anyone come across this issue?

"exception":{"stacktrace":"java.lang.RuntimeException: sailpoint.tools.GeneralException: Couldn't load connector class: sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector
	at com.sailpoint.utilities.ExceptionUtil.wrapChecked(ExceptionUtil.java:114)
	at com.sailpoint.ccg.cloud.container.Container.getConnector(Container.java:195)
	at com.sailpoint.ccg.cloud.container.Container.testConnection(Container.java:324)
	at com.sailpoint.ccg.cloud.container.ContainerIntegration.ping(ContainerIntegration.java:73)
	at com.sailpoint.ccg.handler.TestConnectionHandler.invoke(TestConnectionHandler.java:29)
	at sailpoint.gateway.accessiq.CcgPipelineMessageHandler.handleMessage_aroundBody0(CcgPipelineMessageHandler.java:47)
	at sailpoint.gateway.accessiq.CcgPipelineMessageHandler$AjcClosure1.run(CcgPipelineMessageHandler.java:1)
	at org.aspectj.runtime.reflect.JoinPointImpl.proceed(JoinPointImpl.java:167)
	at com.sailpoint.tracing.otel.TracedAspect.lambda$traceExecution$0(TracedAspect.java:34)
	at com.sailpoint.tracing.otel.GlobalTracer.trace(GlobalTracer.java:157)
	at com.sailpoint.tracing.otel.GlobalTracer.trace(GlobalTracer.java:136)
	at com.sailpoint.tracing.otel.GlobalTracer.trace(GlobalTracer.java:124)
	at com.sailpoint.tracing.otel.TracedAspect.traceExecution(TracedAspect.java:36)
	at sailpoint.gateway.accessiq.CcgPipelineMessageHandler.handleMessage(CcgPipelineMessageHandler.java:36)
	at com.sailpoint.pipeline.server.PipelineServer$InboundQueueListener$MessageHandler.run(PipelineServer.java:369)
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515)
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128)
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628)
	at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
Caused by: sailpoint.tools.GeneralException: Couldn't load connector class: sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector
	at sailpoint.connector.ConnectorFactory.createConnector(ConnectorFactory.java:179)
	at sailpoint.connector.ConnectorFactory.getConnector(ConnectorFactory.java:99)
	at sailpoint.connector.ConnectorFactory.getConnector(ConnectorFactory.java:47)
	at com.sailpoint.ccg.cloud.container.Container.lambda$getConnector$0(Container.java:195)
	at com.sailpoint.utilities.ExceptionUtil.wrapChecked(ExceptionUtil.java:110)
	... 19 more`Preformatted text`

I believe you have already uploaded the relevant JAR files for the DB you are connecting to, if not upload them. If already uploaded, check the type and versions.


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Yes I did, but still I am seeing the same problem

Hi @Karthikeyan_U

Please check for any updates in VA and can you restart it?


Hi Varshini,

The problem is still not resolved, even after multiple update and restart. One main thing I notice is that the ccg version are not getting updated.

Not sure is it something issue with my VA.


Could you please post here version of your db and the jar file version you are using.

DB Version:

JAR Version: mssql-jdbc-12.6.1.jre8.jar

But still I am wondering , you have any clue why the ccg version is not getting updated?


If your ccg version is not updated, I am wondering whether if it is actually downloading your jdbc jar files at all.

Can you try running sudo docker ps -a and sudo systemctl status ccg?

Can you check your ccg_start.log, charon.log, and the va_agent.log to see if there are any errors about the startup or connectivity with ISC?

Do you just have one VA or multiple VAs in this cluster? Are any of them up to date?


Hi @agutschow ,

This is what I see after running those commands,

va_agent log says connection to ISC is successful


Additionally when I ran the stunt script there are four test cases are failing
Uploading: Stunt-Script-Log.txt…

Additionally I have modified the config.yaml file POD value for the VA connection as per the below post


Can you try uploading your stunt results again?

Can you try running

sudo docker exec ls -al /opt/sailpoint/ccg/lib/custom

Do you have any other sources attached to this VA?



Hi @agutschow ,
This command is not working since it requires the root access. Added the stunt log.

Stunt-Script-Log.txt (13.7 KB)


Hi all,

Thanks for all the valuable suggestions.
I was able to fix the issue by downloading the new vm(Ambassador one) from the developer portal and configured the VA without modifying the POD in the config.yaml file. Now I see the successful connection for AD and JDBC source.


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