ISC: Certifcation reassignment shows inactive identities (production only)

What problem are you observing?

On production, but not on the sandbox tenant, the certification reassignment form displays all identities, not only ACTIVE users.

There are the queries used by the dropbox, in sandbox and production, to get the identities:

What is the correct behavior?

Don’t show inactive users on production as well.
Determine why this feature was missing on production and improve the process.

What product feature is this related to?

ISC Certification campaigns

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  • Go to a certification campaign (on production tenant)
  • Click on Reassign
  • Search for an inactive user. The user should not be displayed.

Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?

This could be software versions, browser versions, special configurations, etc.

Is there a special version of the cloud software deployed? We don’t know.

It is a known issue (for some at SailPoint) it seems.

The fix has been deployed in your production tenant as well and now the inactive identities shouldn’t be showing while reassigning the accesses.