How to view expiration date of an entitlement for a particular Identity?

Hello Experts,

Let’s say I set an expiration date of an entitlement and provide the access with an expiration date. Now, I want to view the expiration date set for that identity in that entitlement.

I looked at the documentation and cannot see any API that is returning an expiration date for entitlement. I tried search API on user and was not able to locate it.

Let me know if I am missing any API doc that can provide information about an expiration date of entitlement once it is set for an identity.


Hi @kdfreeman,

Have you tried this API - get-historical-identity-events | SailPoint Developer Community
This should provide details regarding the entitlements.
Hope this helps!

I have tried that as well. It was not returning.

I was able to get that information using this API just now - list-access-request-status | SailPoint Developer Community

Here’s the screenshot of my postman,

Just add the requested-for in the query parameter and pass in the identityID, you should see “removalDate”.

Hope this helps!

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