Is there a search query to get identies for which entitlement has been removed because of expiration set?

Is there a search query to get all the identies for which a specific entitlement has been removed because of expiration set but not through access request?

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Hi Prashanth,

You can use this search to find all of the events where access was removed because of a sunset/expiration date.

attributes.interface:"access-sunrise-sunset" AND operation:"REMOVE"

Please let me know if this helps!

  • Zach

Hi Zach,

thanks for the query, it is working. Is there a way we have a “Action=access-sunrise-sunset” somrthing like this so i can add that in workflow Provisioning completed filter to trigger?

You can use this filter on the Provisioning Completed trigger and it should get you what you are looking for.

$[?(@.attributes.interface == "access-sunrise-sunset")]

Awesome! let me try it and let you know if that works Zach.

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Would something like this work in Provisioning completed trigger filter?

[?(.action == "access-sunrise-sunset")].accountRequests[?( == "123456789" && @.provisioningResult == "committed" && @.accountOperation == "Modify")].attributeRequests[?(@.operation == "Remove" && @.attributeValue in ['Entitlement 1','Entitlement 2'])]

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