Get accounts action is failing in workflows based on identity id from trigger identity attributes changed


trying to get accounts using GetAccounts action in Workflows using trigger step identity id but ending up with below error, any help provided appreciated.

“error”:“json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field GetAccountsInput.valueList of type string”


Hi and Hello,

The error message you’re encountering indicates that the JSON being passed to the GetAccounts action is not correctly formatted. Specifically, it suggests that a string is being passed where a list of strings is expected for the valueList field.

To resolve this, you need to ensure that the JSON structure you are passing to the GetAccounts action matches the expected structure.


Hi Adam,

thanks much for the reply, but this what I am doing in get accounts.

pls let me know if I am doing anything wrong.


Hi @PrashRV ,

I don’t see any mistakes/errors here. can you share the json of this workflow by hiding the sensitive data’s if any. It would be helpful to moveforward.


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