Workflow Error: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field ManageAccessInput.requestedItems of type


We are receiving the following error in our Workflow for the Manage Access Action:

{“error”:“actionStep(Manage Access 7) Err: task failed: activity error (type: sp:access:manage, scheduledEventID: 48, startedEventID: 49, identity: 1@a9d420797153@): json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field ManageAccessInput.requestedItems of type infra.OutputAccessItem (type: Error Parsing Input, retryable: false): json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field ManageAccessInput.requestedItems of type infra.OutputAccessItem (type: UnmarshalTypeError, retryable: true)”}

This error is occuring during Manage Access 7 action. However, Manage Access 17 action with the same configurations does not receive the error.

@colin_mckibben Looks like this may be the same bug from this forum here

Thank you,

There is an issue in Workflows where an array with only one value needs to have two square brackets to be properly read by the backend. Try using two square brackets in your “Access to Manage” input.


Hi Collin,

We added the extra brackets to every “Manage Access” action’s “Access to Manage” input. We re-ran the test and are still receiving the JSON error.

Engineering is aware of this and they are working on a resolution.

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