No Output in "Get Accounts" Workflow action when using Identity ID in List

What problem are you observing?

The Get Accounts workflow action to get accounts based on a list of identity IDs is producing no output. The same type of filter works in the API.

What is the correct behavior?

The accounts associated with those Identity IDs must be sent in the output response.

What product feature is this related to?

This is related to ISC Workflows.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. Go to ISC > Workflows > Create Workflow
  2. In Workflow, generate a list of Identity IDs using the Get List of Identities action and select an appropriate action to get Identities. I am using a search query.
  3. Pass the list of Identity IDs to the Get Accounts action with Account Selection Method as By Account Data, Account Details as Identity ID, Operator as In List, and in Value List, select Choose Variable and give JSON Path Expression as $.getListOfIdentities.identities.*.id
  4. Test the Workflow


I am able to reproduce this. I have opened a ticket ( PLTWRKFLW-5217) to have this investigated. Thank you for sharing!

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Hi @colin_mckibben

Is this fixed?

@Abhishek_1995, I checked on the ticket ( PLTWRKFLW-5217), and this issue has not been resolved yet.

As a workaround, you can create a loop and pass the list of identities into the loop. For each iteration of the loop, get the accounts for a single identity at a time and perform the necessary account operations.