Hi all,
I designed a workflow to remove all access from users’ Azure AD account for a specific use case. The workflow gets triggered on that case, starts and finished successfully. However, I see there are some errors during “Remove Access” step in the workflow.
“errorMessage”: “child workflow execution error (type: sp-child-workflow, workflowID: f52299d0-fa5a-4a57-a93b-492c5a924e4b-11, runID: c9b1e983-265a-49e7-944f-12f6fca98945, initiatedEventID: 51, startedEventID: 67): actionStep(Manage Access) Err: task failed: activity error (type: sp:access:manage, scheduledEventID: 5, startedEventID: 6, identity: fea68ec1-7749-4481-835f-74a17f63fa7b): json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field ManageAccessInput.requestedItems of type [x]infra.OutputAccessItem (type: Error Parsing Input, retryable: false): json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field ManageAccessInput.requestedItems of type [x]infra.OutputAccessItem (type: UnmarshalTypeError, retryable: true) (type: withStack, retryable: true): actionStep(Manage Access) Err: task failed: activity error (type: sp:access:manage, scheduledEventID: 5, startedEventID: 6, identity: fea68ec1-7749-4481-835f-74a17f63fa7b): json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field ManageAccessInput.requestedItems of type [x]infra.OutputAccessItem (type: Error Parsing Input, retryable: false): json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field ManageAccessInput.requestedItems of type [x]infra.OutputAccessItem (type: UnmarshalTypeError, retryable: true)”,
"payload": ""*
I see a similar discussion and I understand that there was a bug and it is fixed by backend team. I wonder why the error persists if that is already fixed. Any help would be appreciated.