Customizing identity select list for Forwarding User

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Whenever User login to Sailpoint and click on Preferences and try to set forwarding user , he should be able to select his Manager or Active users above his level in the hierarchy.

Hi @neelakant3119,

you can edit the list, changing IdentitySelectorConfiguration from debug:

On this Link there is the documentation about Delegation, Reassignment, and Forwarding. At end you can find an example to how implement that you want.

Hi @enistri_devo,

I am looking for the reference code to be updated in IdentitySelectorConfiguration xml


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You can update below entry in IdentitySelectorConfiguration rule. Below is just for reference code. Please update the filter as per your requirement.

        <entry key="ownerNameSuggestBoxWorkItemListForward">
                <IdentityFilter name="ownerNameSuggestBoxWorkItemListForward" order="Ascending">
                        import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions;
                        import sailpoint.object.Filter;
                        import sailpoint.object.Filter.MatchMode;

                        Filter f1 = Filter.eq("inactive", false);
                        f1 = Filter.and(f1,Filter.eq("type", "Human"));
                        f1 = Filter.and(f1,Filter.eq("correlated", true));

                        QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions();
                        qo.addOrdering("firstname", true);

                        return qo;

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